Introduction to a future who-knows-what

My name is Taylor Blackwell, and this is my introduction post.

I am a Religious Studies major in my last semester. One of the coolest things about my major is that it is a unique way of learning about people. I am not religious myself, but religion tends to be the thing that determines how people live their lives. It can determine how people act, dress, talk, who they interact with, how they raise their children (how many children they have), how they spend their money, how they vote, the list goes on and on. So, for me, learning about religion is a different way of learning about people and how they operate.

The best class I took last semester was my Capstone class. Our project was to write our own gospel and it was a lot of fun. I took a creative approach to my gospel and it was the first time that I have ever had to write creatively; everything before that was just academic writing so it was a great experience.

During most school breaks I don’t do anything very exciting, but this winter break I got the opportunity to go to the Rose Bowl with my dad. It was an amazing experience. It was the last OU football game of my college career and the first OU game that I have gotten to go to with my dad. And going to the Rose Bowl, regardless of who is playing in it, is a bucket-list item for any big college football fan, so it was great experience (despite the loss, which still eats at me every day).

For favorite TV shows I could go on and on. If you haven’t watched Breaking Bad by now, you probably just don’t want too (and you’re wrong). Some of my other favorite TV shows are Fargo, True Detective (the first season), The Office, 30 Rock, and I’m sure more will come into my head shortly after this post. I love to read so I will keep my list of favorite books short; Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by Jose Saramago, The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, and From the Holy Mountain by William Dalrymple.

And I’ll end with pictures of my dog, Chief. He is 6 years old and I have had him for 5 of those years. I got him from an animal shelter in Conroe, TX, and he has been my best friend ever since. He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback mixed with either a German Shephard or Red Tick Coon Hound. He is a classic 100-pound lapdog.
This is Chief letting my cousin, London, sit on his back
From my own photos, taken sometime in 2014


  1. Hey Taylor, I didn't know you were in the course! Hope you last semester is going well. I agree about capstone it was nice to write creatively, I miss Dr. Vishanoff, he is such a great professor. Chief and London are so cute! He seems so calm letting her sit on his back like that, I guess he really is a lapdog!

    1. Hey Blake! This makes class number 4 for us! Chief is most definitely a lap dog. He can curl up into a surprisingly small ball so when he curls up in your lap (and your legs fall asleep from his weight) its almost like he isn't even there!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Taylor! It is so nice to meet you. I have not had the chance to talk a person from the religious studies department. It is really cool how you take your approach to your major. Religion is such an important part in understanding how people act. I view my major in the same regards. International studies also helps understand people and cultures. What type of work are you wanting to do after you graduate?

    1. Hey Kelsea, thanks for the comment! I am planning on attending law school after I graduate, but I'm pretty laid back about life in general so if it doesn't work out, I'll just shrug my shoulders and keep on living.

  4. Hey Taylor! I too am finishing up my last semester here at OU. I also got the chance to go to the Rose Bowl game and even though we lost, I had an amazing time and won't forget the experience. I agree with you that if you haven't watched Breaking Bad you are just flat out wrong. That show will probably always be my favorite. I wish you the best last semester and good luck with this class!

  5. Oh, wow, you were in that Capstone class about writing gospels, Taylor: how great! I heard about that class from Jake, who was taking Myth-Folklore last semester, and since that gospel-writing project was kind of like the Storybooks for these classes, he told me about that. Very cool! Here is Jake's Myth-Folklore Storybook about Captain Hook... it ended up having a really powerful religious dimension! Peter Pan: Revisited.

    So, that class is really a perfect lead-in to this class... and I am so glad you know William Dalrymple already. He is such a hero of mine, and I follow him at Twitter, so you might see items from his stream in our class stream; he shares a lot of beautiful Mughal art. Have you read any of his India books? They are FABULOUS; highly recommended! Here is his Twitter: @DalrympleWill

    And your Chief is such a big beautiful creature... with the power of imagination, I can see Princess London on her flying Ridgeback, about to depart on a magical trip to India! :-)

    1. I also have The Age of Kali and Nine Lives by Dalrymple. I have not read those books yet but they are certainly moving up my list. They could even be helpful for this class, and I'm glad that you are a fan of him! It's always fun finding another person who is enthusiastic about the same authors!

  6. Hi Taylor! I understand your feelings about the Rose Bowl. I didn't get a chance to go, but it sounded like a lot of fun from what I have heard. Also I completely agree with Breaking Bad. Definitely a necessary show to watch. I have never met a religious studies major, but from what you describe in your Capstone it seems like an interesting degree. Good luck on your last semester in college!

  7. Hi Taylor!

    Religion does determine what the people do and why they do it. My religion is Hindu and I do everything that my parent taught me and I will teach the same things to my son/daughter too. I know some people who have religious as their major but I don't know anything about what they do so good luck on your last semester.

  8. Hey Taylor,

    That sounds like an incredibly interesting Capstone experience! It really is interesting how influential religion is on people's habits and opinions. The Rose Bowl must have been such a cool experience too! Also since you're a Tolkien fan I'll make a short book recommendation: The Name of the Wind. Truly incredible fantasy book. The world building is not even close to the scale of Tolkien's work, but the writing style is so captivating. Anyway, I hope your last semester is enjoyable!

  9. Hi Taylor! I definitely agree with you on how religion affects the lifestyle that people have. I haven’t gone to a football game yet but I definitely will before I graduate! Breaking Bad has to be my favorite show of all time. It’s not something I would re-watch because the cliffhangers were what got me but I definitely love it! I have re-watched the Office multiple times though!

  10. Hi Taylor, I have never met a Religious Studies major before, and I honestly would have guessed that usually someone who majors in religious studies would be religious themselves. The Rose Bowl was fun to watch, too bad it didn't go our way. Hopefully next time. Chief looks like an awesome dog, I always like seeing people's pet's. I never fails to brighten my day.

  11. Hi Taylor! It sounds like you're starting to wrap up your education here at OU, and that's super exciting. I was wondering, though, what your plans are for after college? I'm not a huge football person, but my appreciation for it has been growing since I've been here at OU. I love your big puppy! He looks like a sweetheart. I've never had a big dog before, but I feel like they might be friendlier and gentler than my aggressive little yipper.

  12. Hey Taylor!

    it is so cool that you are a religious studies major! I agree with you one hundred percent that religion drives humanity. It is so cool that you have found a passion that you are pursuing! I am also so jealous you got to go to the Rose Bowl. I have always wanted to go and was not able to go over break. It was nice getting to learn about you, and I cant wait to read your stories!!

  13. Hey Taylor!
    Your dog is so adorable! I also have a classic "100lb lap dog" who's name is Gibson. Aren't they just the best? I'm also very interested in studying the way that religion impacts life. In fact, I was so interested in the topic that without realizing it I ended up with a minor in Judaic and Israeli Studies. I hope you've had the opportunity to have Dr. Levenson and/or Dr. Hicks-Keeton at some point, they have been my favorite professors in the department.

  14. Hey Taylor! Yo, it's march and I'm still upset about the outcome of the Rose Bowl, so I feel you! What a horrible loss. As a Religious Studies major did you ever ever have Dr. Cline? I had him for Roman Religion and he was one of my favorite professors! It made me want to be a Religious Studies major or at least take more classes in the department. I hope you're enjoying the course and enjoying all the creative writing!

  15. Hey Taylor, I like how you explained religion at the start of your introduction. While I have never said it out loud, you are right, religion tends to determine a lot about how we live our own lives. I am curious since you aren't religious what made you want to be a Religious Studies Major? Also, what exactly do you so with a major in Religious Studies? I do not have much room to talk, I am a psychology major and unless I get a master for counseling there is not much I can do psychology wise with my degree. Good luck with your classes this semester!

  16. Hi Taylor! Religious Studies sounds that a really cool major. What kind of classes do you take? Do you learn about all the different religions or do you focus on a chosen one? It sounds really cool. As for Chief, he is absolutely adorable. I know what you mean by the classic 100 pound lap dog. While none of my dogs are 100 pounds, they are all 50 or above! Great post and good luck with the rest of the semester.

  17. Hi Taylor! Man, just hearing the gist of your capstone project got the wheels turning in my head. It would be such an interesting challenge to have to piece together your own gospel! Using bits of influence from a lot of different (even the super obscure ones!) religions would be fun. I've always thought a religious studies major would be interesting, although I too am not religious. The Bible as Literature class has been calling my name for a few semesters. Maybe I should give it a try...

  18. Hi Taylor! Your major seems really interesting. I haven't thought about it much since I'm not very religious, but religion is definitely deeply ingrained into every country's society and culture. Definitely a hugely impactful phenomenon, especially across history. It's great that you were able to find a lot of fun in creative writing, but surprising that it was your first time you were able to do so. Hopefully you found as much joy in this class as you did that one. I really enjoyed Breaking Bad too, and I'm still waiting for Better Call Saul season 3... still... waiting......

  19. Hey there Taylor. It is really cool to see your a religious studies major. That is one that you don't hear about to often here at OU so knowing that you are pursing it is really cool! I too think that religion and history really go hand in hand and in most ways in the past religion did dictate how history played out. Anyways I hope the rest of this semester treats you well!

  20. I find it fascinating that you’re not religious but have chosen Religious Studies as your major. I can actually relate in that I am an atheist myself, but I find people’s belief systems very interesting. I love learning about why people believe what they believe and you’re right so much of that affects other aspects of their lives as well.

  21. Nice to meet you Taylor!
    I just got done reading your introduction! I wish I was able to go to the rose bowl, but I could not afford the tickets, I did however go to california while it was happening, so that sort of counts. I also think your major is awesome! I agree that religion is what drives most people's decisions in life, and would be an interesting topic to study.

  22. Hi Taylor! The first thing I have to say is that your dog is ADORABLE! I just love animals. My family has two dogs and two cats, after all. Also, I can relate on the whole wanting to observe people thing. I am a psychology major so all I do is analyze people! I like your perspective on how religion affects the way people present themselves. Nice to meet you!

  23. Hey there, Taylor! How is your semester going? I think it is crazy that we are so far along in the semester and we are still meeting new people in our classes! I really enjoyed visiting your website and learning so much about you in your introduction! I think it is so cool that you are a religious studies major—I thought about majoring in that! Also, your dog Chief is so handsome!


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