Feedback Thoughts

I selected these two articles because I felt like they most related to the way that I tend to handle feedback and posted assignments in general. I'll start with The Psychology of Comparison. This is something that I think about quite often. Whenever I have to post something I am always afraid of doing it incorrectly or too differently and I always feel like I need to look at everyone else's work first, so that my post will blend in more. And it isn't so much about the content of my posts. I'm not worried about having differing thoughts as my fellow students, I just want to make sure that my format is correct, or should I say, incorrect in the same ways as everyone else's. But I thought the section talking about making sure that you stay away from saying things like "my site will never look as good as theirs" was really crucial. Looking back at some of the storybooks from previous classes its hard not to be a little intimidated. So making sure that I am not blogging and comparing my site to another's, in a negative way, is something I would like to focus on.

The biggest tip in the 5 Tips article that I thought was helpful was tip number 3; "Keep in mind 'state' vs. 'trait'". It is all about what is said vs. what we hear. It talks about how we take a piece of feedback that is related to behavior, and we attribute it to being a characteristic of ourselves. And I have that problem not only in taking feedback in academia, but also in my personal life. So I felt like this tip will not only help me in the classroom but outside of it as well.

Skulls N Bones, October 13, 2015
Randy Blythe of Lamb of God
This was the band I was listening to as I completed this post


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