My Favorite Place

Oregon, My Favorite Place.

It doesn't really matter where in Oregon, the state is absolutely breathtaking.

Cascade Locks, OR
Roman Eugenuisz, 10/15/15 Source: Wikipedia
Pacific Crest Trail, OR
Jonathan Miske, 10/26/15 Source: flickr
Oregon Coast
Andrew E. Larson, 7/1/08 Source: flickr

 It doesn't matter if you are looking for the beach and the ocean, rivers and streams, tall trees and seclusion, or mountains and fog, you can find it in Oregon. And more often than not, you can find it all within the same 5 mile radius. I am planning on going to law school in Oregon so I have the fullest intentions to plant roots for myself within the state. 


  1. Oh, I absolutely agree, Taylor! We lived in Eugene when I was little, and we went to so many beautiful places. I would say that is an excellent destination to have in mind for your future. The photos you chose here are lovely!

  2. Wow, Taylor, what gorgeous pictures! Now I can really see why you told us in capstone that Oregon was 100% going to be your home in the near future. I especially love the last picture, i had no idea how beautiful the Oregon coast was! Best of luck to you as you prepare for law school and what lies ahead.

  3. Hi Taylor! Wow, the photos you chose to depict Oregon are absolutely gorgeous. The photos have such great quality! I have never been to Oregon; I never knew that it was so pretty. I love the outdoors and hiking so it definitely seems like the place for me. Is Oregon your hometown or do you have family that lives there? I wish you luck on getting into the law school there!


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