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Ganesha, Saraswati, and Shiva in Japan

  • 17 Fascinating Women from The Mahabharata
    • Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of women's movements around the world, especially in the United States. So it would be interesting to parallel the powerful female characters in the Mahabharata to the powerful women of today.
  • Krishna and Narakasura: Confidence Versus Arrogance
    • I know very little about the Hindu gods and goddesses, but what I do know is mostly concerned with Krishna. So, learning more about Krishna is always something that peaks my interest.
  • The Lord of Lanka: The Rise and Fall of a Demon King
    • This was just one that I randomly generated and it was the one that popped up. Demon King sounded very heavy metal, so I went with it.


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