Feedback Strategies Week 3

  • How to Give Students Specific Feedback That Actually Helps Them Learn
    • I have always loved valuable feedback from academic papers that I have written. Regardless of my grade, I always want to be able to go back through the paper and see where I excelled and where I lost points. However, I've never really been the one to leave feedback on papers, seeing as how I am not the grader. But this article was a good insight into my graders head and could potentially help me see things through a different perspective.
  • Preschoolers and Praise: What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow?
    • I picked this article because I simply enjoyed reading it. I'm not a preschooler, so I'm not sure this article will really help me, but I love learning about how kids should learn. I do think that the "power of 'yet'" is something that everybody can benefit from though. Instead of saying "I can't do it", saying "I can't do it yet" can be highly motivating. 

Alice in Chains, Rolling Stone Magazine
Chicago, 1990
Listening to some classic Alice in Chains while blogging this morning


  1. Feedback on papers is definitely important. (you never realize how important it is until the first time you get a paper back and it just says C on it though!) Good feedback even more so since it helps you target your weaknesses. And yeah the article about preschoolers rung true through my head since you really have to start early to make sure kids grow up with healthy mindsets, especially on progression and motivation through difficulties.


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