Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part B

Mahabharata, Part B:

  • The Pandavas at Indraprastha:
    • Duryodhana's hate for the Pandavas only grows when he finds out they are still alive, yet, Dhritarashtra does not share the same level of hatred for the Pandavas as Duryodhana does. Dhritarashtra is given two different kinds of advice; make peace or go to war. The conflicting advice confuses Dhritarashtra, so he decides to give them part of his kingdom so they will return. 
  • The Dice Games:
    • During a game of dice, Yudhishthira loses everything that he owns to Shakuni. This not only includes his possessions and property, but also his brothers as well as himself. He then gambles, and loses, Draupadi, although she argues that she could not be gambled by someone who just lost ownership of himself. As Draupadi is ordered to undress, she calls upon Krishna for help. Help arrives in the form of layers of sari's that Draupadi is now wearing. Every time she takes one off, another appears.
    • Later, Duryodhana invites Yudhishthira to return for a second dice match (earlier Dhritarashtra, Duryodhana's father, returned many of the possessions back to Yudhishthira), which is accepted. This time, the wager is that the loser must enter 13 years in exile; 12 in poverty, and the last year in disguise. In classic fashion, Yudhishthira loses and the Pandavas are forced to go into exile. Yudhishthira prays to the Sun God, Surya, for help. He is given a copper bowl that never runs out of food. Then, they all go live with hermits.
      • Yudhishthira should probably stop gambling
Game of Dice; Yudhishthira playing a risky game of dice
Ashok Dongre


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