Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Part B

Ramayana, Part B Notes:

  • Rama's Exile:
    • After Rama goes into exile, his people become distraught and Lakshmana becomes angry at their sudden exile. Soon after Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita depart from the city, Dasharatha dies.
  • Bharata:
    • During all of the previous events, Rama's brother Bharata is away in his grandfathers kingdom. Messengers are sent to get Bharata, but he isn't given any reason as to why he must now leave. Bharata soon finds out about Rama's exile, his fathers death, and his mothers plan to make him king; this enrages him. He begs Rama to return, Rama refuses, and Bharata reigns as regent until Rama's return.
  • Ravana's Sister:
    • While hiding in the forest, Rama meets Shurpanakha, a beautiful women who lies to Rama and says her name is Kamavalli. She declares her love for Rama and takes on her new rival, Sita. Lakshmana mutilates Shurpanakha and brings her to her step-brother, Kara, who commands the demon army of the forest. Battle ensues but Rama wins.
  • Ravana in Lanka:
    • Many of the gods have been made servants of Ravana in his court. Ravana falls in love with Sita.
  • Ravana and Maricha:
    • In an attempt to abduct Sita, Ravana gets help from Maricha, his uncle (Rama has already killed Maricha's mother Thataka). Maricha disguises himself as a golden deer which Sita is mesmerized by. She asks Rama to catch it for her, Lakshmana eventually leaves as well, leaving Sita unguarded.
Donald Alexander Mackenzie, 1913

Title: The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic
Author: Kamban/R.K. Narayan
Year: 1972


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