Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana Part C

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part C

  • Ravana abducts Sita:
    • After Sita hears Rama call for help while hunting the golden deer, she sends Lakshmana to go help him, leaving Sita all by herself. Ravana then approaches Sita disguised as an old hermit, reveals himself (for some dumb reason), and then steals her away.
  • Jatayu and Ravana:
    • Jatayu, and old friend of Dasharatha, tries to rescue Sita, but is defeated. When Rama and Lakshmana return, Jatayu is dying and fills them in on the events that they have missed. However, Jatayu dies before he can tell them where Ravana has gone.
  • Rama and Sugriva:
    • We learn that way before the events in this story, Vali had helped churn the nectar from the ocean, earning the gratitude and gifts of the gods (fighting powers). The demon Mayavi challenged Vali, which Vali won. After this, a fight broke out between Vali and Sugriva, Vali won and took Sugriva's wife, and Sugriva went into exile in the mountains.
    • Rama feels compassion for Sugriva, and is convinced by Hanuman to help Sugriva defeat Vali
      • Meanwhile, Sita has been throwing her jewelry onto the ground so that she will leave a trail that Rama can follow. Sugriva finds the jewelry.
    • Sugriva and Vali begin their fight, which Rama helps Sugriva win by shooting him in the leg with an arrow. Sugriva becomes king of that kingdom.
  • Sugriva sends out a Search Party:
    • Sugriva gathers a huge army to help Rama find Sita and fight his upcoming battles. 
Ravana fights Jatayu, abducts Sita;
illustration by K. Venkatappa
Author: Kamban/R.K. Narayan
Year: 1972


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