Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Part D

Narayan's Ramayana Part D:

  • Hanuman find Sita:
    • Hanuman searches for Sita across the ocean and finds himself in Lanka. He finds Sita guarded by demons. Hanuman then allows himself to be captured and is brought before Ravana. Hanuman tells Ravana that Rama is looking for Sita and that Ravana should just give up. This leads to a fight, which no one really wins (Hanuman destroys the city, but it is almost immediately rebuilt). Ravana is advised to release Sita, but like all bad guys, he rejects this advice.
  • Rama Crosses the Sea:
    • Rama orders the sea god to help him cross the ocean to Lanka, where Sita is held captive. Rama launches an attack on Lanka, and with the help of other gods like Indra, Rama is able to gain the upper hand. Finally, Rama and Ravana fight each other. Rama and Ravana circle the earth in battle and they use supernatural weapons against one another. Rama finally wins the battle, and Rama orders a massive funeral for Ravana.
  • Rama Tests Sita:
    • Rama tests Sita to make sure that she remained faithful to him. She insists that she never touched Ravana and casts herself onto a fire that she made. Agni, the god of fire, makes sure that she is returned to Rama unharmed, which proves her innocence. Rama eventually returns to Ayodhya, where he becomes king.
Image Source: Sita's ordeal by fire as Rama watches

Author: Kamban/R.K. Narayan
Year: 11972


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