Reading Notes Week 9: Epified, The Mahabharata

  • Point of view that it is an account of how Karma functions.
  • story begins similarly to what was read before, with the drowning of the kings children.
  • Shantanu finds a young archer taming the river with arrows, only to find out that it was his long lost 8th son, Bhishma.
  • Bhishma decides to go to the father of the girl that Shantanu has fallen in love with, in order to talk some sense in him.
    • quite ambitious for a fisherman
  • Bhishma vows to never marry or sire children, for the sake of his fathers happiness. Although, this dismays his father.
*The animated short stories are not only easier to digest and easy to listen to, there is a lot more entertaining to have these stories read aloud than reading them yourself. The animators and narrators did a fantastic job with this


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