Week 10 Reading Post: Babbitt, Jataka Tales, Part A

  • The Monkey and the Crocodile
    • A elder crocodile asks a younger crocodile to get the heart of a young monkey for him to eat, so now the crocodile has to figure out how to trick one of the crafty monkeys.
    • He decides to offer one of the monkeys a ride on his back to the other side of the river, where there is a lot of ripe fruit. The story mentions that the crocodile is stupid, but the greed of the monkey also plays a key factor in this story.
    • Once the monkey is on the crocodiles back and they are about halfway across the river the crocodile announces, very stupidly, that he is going to drown the monkey so that his mother can eat his heart.
    • But the crafty monkey then tells the crocodile that he does not have his heart with him, so that even if the crocodile does drown him, he will not get the heart. So now, the crocodile thinks that they must go back to the shore so that the monkey can get his heart.
    • The monkey flees, but the crocodile finds him farther down the river. The two have another back and forth, but the crocodile is his own worst enemy because he keeps getting outsmarted by the monkey over and over again.

Reading Source: Babbitt Jataka


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