Week 8: Comments and Feedback

  • I have taken quite a few online classes here at OU, so I have gotten a lot of feedback and comments on discussion posts and the like. This class has definitely had some of the best teacher/student comments that I have experienced. Mrs. Gibbs feedback has been great, but I have gotten a lot of good feedback from students on ways to flesh out my posts and helps me focus on areas that I need to work on, especially on my blog posts. In regards to the feedback that I have left, I think that the feedback strategies that we have learned have come in handy throughout the semester.
  • I do feel like I am getting a sense of who people are in the class from their blog postings, not just on their project posts, but their posts within blogger. I was pretty happy with my introduction post and I think that it does give a good sense of who I am in this moment in my life.
  • Looking forward, I think that even though I have been happy with the feedback that I have been able to leave for my fellow students, there is always room for improvement. I hope that as the semester progresses, my feedback becomes just as useful to my peers as their feedback has been for me. In terms of improving my own blog, I would like to flesh out the intro a little bit more and I got some good advice for improving the title.
  • I scrolled through most of the cat pictures on this blog page but still couldn't help but pick the first one that I saw. For one, the caption rings true. I have made sure to go back and use the feedback from the previous week to help me post for the current week. And secondly, the little kitten is adorable!


  1. Yeah I definitely agree that Mrs. Gibbs gives great feedback. She's very thoughtful and eager to read and it makes the whole class more enjoyable as a result IMO. I also agree that other students give feedback really well too, maybe it's the guidelines but they've really helped me point out errors and problems in my writing, as well as what I'm strong at. I just wish everyone could take this class and learn more about taking and making valuable feedback!


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