Week 8 Reading and Writing

  • So far the reading assignments are working really well. Everything is broken down enough so it is (mostly) easy for me to keep up with the class and my hectic work schedule. I think the King Yudhisthira's Horse story was my favorite so far. I had a lot of fun tweaking that story and putting a new twist on it. 
  • At first, I was having some trouble with the class project. I was a little confused and just overall frustrated with a lot of things outside of the class. But once I hunkered down and focused I was able to use a lot of feedback from Mrs. Gibbs to make something much more pleasing to the eyes, as well as get my head around what she was actually looking for in the assignment. 
  • Below is a art print of the churning of the ocean, which is what my project is focusing on. This was one of the first images that I found when I began researching for my project and is always the first image that pops into my head when I think about it. 
The churning of the Ocean of Milk, in a bazaar art print, c. 1910's;
the Suras or gods are on the right, the Asuras or demons on the left
  • Looking forward, I am excited to continue working on this project and build on my skills as a creative writer. As I've said before, this is still a very new concept to me and so far I have learned some great strategies for writing creatively and retelling stories with my own twist.


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