Week 11 Reading Notes: The Tricky Wolf and the Rats

The Tricky Wolf and the Rats
  • There was a large clan of rats, led by a chief named Big Rat, and they lived in the forest.
  • A Tricky Wolf sees the large group of rats and begins to plot on how to catch them so that he could eat them.
  • The Wolf begins to pretend that he is lame and cannot walk on his front leg so that the rats will think that he is not a threat. He also keeps his mouth open so that he can "drink the air", claiming that that is his only source of food.
  • The Big Rat begins to feel sorry for the wolf and he and all the other rats would visit him once a day. But every time they came to visit, the wolf would eat one rat and would pretend that nothing had happened.
  • When the rats finally began to notice their group getting smaller they immediately blamed the wolf, so they laid a trap.
  • When they all went to visit the Chief Rat went last and when the wolf tried to eat him he was not quick enough and missed, blowing his cover.
  • The Chief Rat bit the Wolf's throat and killed him.


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